Offer > Signal separators and transmitters
0÷20mA, 4÷20mA,
0÷10V or 1÷5V
Accuracy class 0.05
Isolated supply
0÷20mA, 4÷20mA,
0÷10V or 1÷5V
4÷20mA loop supply
Accuracy class 0.05
Isolated supply
any subrange of
±22mA or ±11V
e.g. 0÷20mA or 1÷5V
Additional 4÷20mA
output for T1200
series transmitters
Being well aware that the range of signal separators offered may be confusing we have collected in a text titled "How to select appropriate signal separator?" short explanations about each type of separator. The table below contains links to relevant parts of this document.
4÷20mA/4÷20mA | 4÷20mA/0÷20mA | 4÷20mA/0÷10V |
0÷20mA/4÷20mA | 0÷20mA/0÷20mA | 0÷20mA/0÷10V |
0÷10V/(0)4÷20mA | 0÷10V/0÷10V |
As signal separation may be realized in several ways (especially for 4÷20mA/4÷20mA separators), reading the descriptions should be worthwhile.
Links to dedicated separators and transmitters are presented below.